
Eucodonia is a genus of only two species naturally occuring in Mexico. This genus is easy to care for and produces many scaly rhizomes. In my personal experience, I would say Eucodonia are more forgiving and easy to grow compared to Achimenes and Smithiantha. Most species and hybrids grows more or less with a trailing habit. Grown with plenty of indirect light, and some direct sunlight during the day, eucodonias will both stay more compact and flower more.

Apart from the species, A number of cultivars occur in the hobby. Since Eucodonia is closely related to Achimenes and Smithiantha, intergeneric hybrids with these genera have been made and are called:

×Achicodonia (Achimenes × Eucodonia)

×Smithicodonia (Smithiantha × Eucodonia)

×Seemacodonia (Seemannia × Eucodonia)

×Eucodonella (Eucodonia × Gloxinella)